Disponibles en français :
- Raymond Perron, Plaidoyer pour la foi chrétienne. L’apologétique selon Cornelius Van Til, Faculté de Théologie Évangélique, Montréal, 1996, 262 p.
- Alain Probst, « La philosophie et l’apologétique de Cornelius Van Til » in La Revue Réformée, n°III, 1977.
- Rousas John Rushdoony, L’apologétique réformée de Cornelius Van Til, Perspectives réformées, Palos Heights, 1984, 62 p.
- William Edgar, L’apologétique de Cornelius Van Til, Hokhma, No 63, p. 1-17, 1996
En anglais nous recommandons :
- William White, Van Til. Defender of the Faith. (A Biography), Thomas Nelson, Nashville, 1979, 233 p.
- Rousas John Rushdoony, By What Standard ? An Analysis of the Philosophy of Cornelius Van Til, Thoburn Press, 1983 (1959), 212 p.
- R. Geehan, Jerusalem and Athens. Critical Discussions on the Philosophy and Apologetics of Cornelius Van Til, Presbyterian and Reformed, Phillipsburg, 1971, 498 p.
- Gary North (Editor), Foundations of Christian Scholarship. Essays in the Van Til Prespective, Ross House Books, Vallecito, 1976, 355 p.
- John M. Frame, Cornelius Van Til. An Analysis of his Thought, Presbyterian and Reformed, Phillipsburg, 1995, 463 p.
- John M. Frame, Van Til the Theologian, Pilgrim Publishing Company, Phillipsburg, 1976, 38 p.
- C. Sproul (et al.), Classical Apologetics. A Rational Defense of the Christian Faith and a Critique of Presuppositionnal Apologetics, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1983.
- Herman Hoeksema, The Clark-Van Til Controversy, The Trinity Foundation, 1995, 93 p.
- Thom Nogaro, Van Til and the Use of Evidence, Presbyterian and Reformed, Phillipsburg, 1985 (1980), 136 p.
- Andrew Sandlin (Editor), The Legacy of Cornelius Van Til, Chalcedon Report, Nº 358, 1995, 36 p. (P.O. Box, 158, Vallecito, 95251, États-Unis.)
- Greg Bahnsen, Cornelius Van Til, Presbyterian and Reformed, 1997